8kun Bread Launcher Release Notes (v1b to v2e)

Release notes for v2e (August 23, 2022) -- source

The 8kun captcha is now cookie-based, meaning that it is no longer possible to post without the Kraker Local Proxy Server (note: a CORS unblocking extension may work if it is implemented correctly). You will need the latest version of Kraker (version 4d) and your browser must be configured to proxy through the Socks5 port. See here for setup instructions. On the plus side, it is now possible to post as moderator (board owner/volunteer).

Once you have Kraker running and your browser is configured to proxy through it then you will need to do one little thing. Open "_settings.txt" (your Kraker settings file) and add one of these lines exactly as shown:

[? sys.8kun.top SHD:$~https://sys.8kun.top] or [? sys.8kun.top SHD:$~!vpx::|*https://sys.8kun.top]

You can use either option depending on whether you wish to enable certificate authentication which is important to guard against a man-in-the-middle attack (the "!vpx" part in the second option enables authentication). This distinction will be important the next time the site security certificate expires (which happens every three months). Board moderators should enable authentication but the choice is yours.

Reload the settings file using the Kraker Control Panel to configure the "shadow port". When your browser attempts to access the posting server at sys.8kun.top, Kraker will intercept the request and do some fiddling with the response headers. You don't need to know the details but it is what needs to be done due to browser restrictions regarding cookies.

Use the link at the top of this page to open the new 8kun captcha. Your browser will complain that the security certificate is invalid. This is fine. It's the way a non-transparent proxy works (the shadow port creates an interface which is similar to the corporate proxy in an office environment). Just instruct the browser to accept the certificate (your browser should remember this from now on). You will be able to post after completing the captcha.

Note that the Bread Launcher is not configured to handle the per-post captcha (which you may encounter if the site comes under attack).

For board moderators:

Log in as you would normally. Everything will work as it always did. Check the box marked [Board Moderator] at the top of the page if you wish to post as moderator. This will also enable a new button on each post (situated right next to the Quick Reply button). The options are simple. You can edit or delete a post and/or ban a user IP address. More powerful features are not supported because I don't need the headache.

New catalog feature:

To open the catalog view, just enter the name of the board and press "Go". The catalog view is basically the same as a thread view. Click a link to open a thread. That's about it. I may or may not consider additional options. It's fine for my purposes.

About NoScript:

I have issues with NoScript on Firefox because it attaches Javascript to HTML page elements. It severely breaks the Bread Launcher, causing a tab to suddenly become unresponsive. This appears to be due to some security restriction on the part of Firefox but I can't say for sure that the same problem doesn't occur with other browsers. I've stopped using NoScript. uMatrix is much better because it doesn't rely on invasive Javascript to do its dirty work. You should try it out. I don't have any advice if your ad blocker is causing issues except to tell you to ditch it.

About Alleycat Player:

Occassionally, it may happen that a YouTube video won't play. If this happens then close the tab and try opening the video again. It should work after two or three tries. This issue will be rectified in the next version of the Launcher.

Release notes for v2d (November 13, 2021) -- source

Release notes for v2c (October 20, 2021) -- source

Release notes for v2b (October 13, 2021) -- source

Release notes for v2a (October 9, 2021) -- source

Release notes for v1e (September 15, 2021) -- source

Release notes for v1d (March 11, 2021) -- source

Release notes for v1c (December 13, 2020) -- source

Release notes for v1b (October 5, 2020) -- source